How to Display Your Best Reviews on Your Website using the Bright Reviews Widget

how to respond to negative reviews

Bright Reviews was created to make it easy to solicit reviews from your customers. Now, you can use the Bright Reviews Widget to display those hard-earned positive reviews on your website proudly. Here’s how you can do it:

Step 1.

Log in to your Bright Reviews account. If you are using our strategic partner program, use your special link or click the direct link in any of our emails. Otherwise, you can log in here. Once logged in, go to the new “Widget” tab in the left sidebar. It looks kind of like this: </>

Step 2.

Let’s connect the widget to your social profiles. At the time being, from the Bright Reviews supported channels, only Facebook and Google allow you to display your positive reviews on your website. But first, you must authorize the widget to display your Facebook reviews, and you must locate your Google Place ID. We could explain to you how, but it’s probably best if we show you:

Step 3.

After you’ve copied the widget code, you can use it in your website editor (if you’re the maintain-it-yourself kind), or you can send it to your website’s administrator (who can easily place it where you want to display your best reviews). If you are part of one of our strategic partner plans, contact us through the support ticket form for further help.

Good Reviews Only

Because we like to focus on all that’s good in the world (unlike those pesky naysayers), our widget only displays positive reviews. Hey, bad reviews can happen… but there’s no need to air those out in the open. After all, it’s your website. Everything on it should positively support your business!

Now, potential customers can gain further trust in your brand when they see the solid reputation you’ve earned. And the best part is the widget updates your page automatically every time you receive new positive reviews! So you can spend less time updating your website and more time requesting reviews (and doing the awesome work you do that all your clients are raving about!)

Now that’s working smarter.

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By Bright Pink Agency

At Bright Pink Agency, we specialize in designing, developing, and optimizing franchise websites with no long-term contracts. Say hello to improved organic value, ongoing national and local support, and franchisee happiness!