101 Fascinating Facts About Domain Names

facts about domain names

If you’ve launched websites before, chances are the domain names you wanted weren’t available. Choosing a good name for your website is more and more difficult as over 1 million domain names are taken each year. Check out some intriguing facts about domain names and helpful tips for choosing one, from Website Builder:

  • There are currently over 330 million registered domain names. The number is increasing exponentially.
  • The top domain registrar in the world is GoDaddy with over 55 million registered domain names.
  • LasVegas.com is the most expensive domain name of all time. It costs $90,000,000.
  • Having more than one domain name for the same website does very little in terms of SEO.
  • Avoid using hyphens and numbers in domain names to make them more SEO-friendly.
  • Keep your domain name short to make it more memorable and easier to write.
  • Always make sure you’re not registering a domain name that’s been trademarked by someone else. You’ll run into copyright and trademark issues.
  • Register for whois privacy for your domain names, especially for top level sites like .com, .net, .org, and local sites like .nz.
  • Google launched the Exact Match Domain (EMD) update in 2012 to prevent poor quality sites from ranking well because their domain names matched their targeted keywords. The moral of the story is: avoid using your targeted keywords as your domain name. Keep your EMD only if you’ve already built a brand around it.

Planning a website? Check out our list of 69 Actionable Tips Before Buying Web Design & Development Services.

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By Bright Pink Agency

At Bright Pink Agency, we specialize in designing, developing, and optimizing franchise websites with no long-term contracts. Say hello to improved organic value, ongoing national and local support, and franchisee happiness!