Tips to Write Compelling Copy on Your Website

Website copy writing tips

Writing website copy that sells is difficult and time consuming. It must be SEO-friendly, but also reader-friendly, because your website is made for humans after all. Although you know your business like nobody else, the most qualified people to write content on your website are professional copywriters. They know how to invoke emotions through words, to clarify needs, and be persuasive. Nevertheless, if you still want to write copy yourself, here are some important copywriting tips:

Copywriting Tips for the Savvy Digital Marketer

1. Focus on the customer

You’re probably very proud of your business. But the truth is customers don’t care about your company (at first). They want their problems solved, their needs fulfilled. As long as you tell them exactly how your offers are helping them, prospects will keep listening. Keep that in mind when writing your copy. Take this test to check what the focus is in your copy: count the “we’s” and “you’s” and see who wins.

2. Write in the second person

Hundreds or more visitors may come to your website every day (OK, that’s quite hopeful). Each of them is a potential client and you need to show that in your copy. As you write in the second person (you, your, yours) visitors will feel more drawn in. Imagine you’re having a close conversation with your best customer. What would you say? What would your tone be?

3. Use the right keywords

Keywords tell search engines what your content is about. Don’t know where to get keywords? Use a keyword analysis tool like Google Keyword Planner. Add keywords sensibly throughout a webpage: in the page title, main body, subheadings and anchor text (avoid generic ‘click here’ anchor text). However, don’t write copy purely for SEO purposes. You don’t want to cloud the reader’s experience with repetitive text. Make your text is readable by humans first, and robots second.

4. Write straightforward page titles

Generic words like ‘services’ or ‘products’ don’t belong in a page title. Tell visitors exactly what that page is about. This not only helps them get a better picture, but also helps search engines know what your content is about. So keep the title direct, concise and simple. Also, don’t forget to include your main keyword in your page titles.

5. Narrow the focus in the main body

What follows after the page title and heading must also be ultra-specific. Concentrate on a single topic (that of your page title) and don’t deviate. A webpage should answer a specific question.

Another thing to note here is to cut down on the hype. People are not impressed by hyperboles, they’ll find them annoying. As people are bombarded with adverts every day, they’ve developed pretty good BS detectors. Build trust with simple language, not with hype.

6. Keep your website copy short and easy-to-read

Some of the copywriting tips involving simpler copy includes:

  • Organize the copy by breaking it into paragraphs, bullets, tables, etc. This makes it scannable by human eyes.
  • Use shorter words and sentences. Long and difficult words don’t make you seem smarter – on the contrary, they are pretentious.
  • Make the text bigger and easier to read. Most people browse the web from a mobile device, and you don’t want them to squint their eyes when reading your website copy.
  • Use minimum punctuation to provide less ‘reading barriers’. Adhere to ‘lean punctuation’ – cut out acronyms, abbreviations and excessive capitalization.
  • Avoid jargon, obscure acronyms and unnecessary punctuation – they stand in the way of comprehension. Write as if schoolchildren are your target audience.
  • Have a sense of humor. Writing in a chatty or conversational style makes your brand seem friendly and sympathetic. Don’t be afraid of being yourself.
  • Use verbs instead of adjectives. Saying your product or service ‘saves you $25 dollars a month’ is much more convincing than saying that it’s ‘economical’.

7. Leverage AI for Data-Driven Insights

AI can analyze vast amounts of user data to reveal patterns and trends about your audience’s preferences and behaviors. By understanding which types of content perform best, you can tailor your copy to align with these insights.

This ensures your messaging is relevant and engaging, ultimately driving more conversions. Regularly updating your content based on AI-driven analytics keeps your website fresh and aligned with audience expectations.

8. Enhance Personalization with AI

Personalization is key to connecting with your audience, and AI can significantly enhance this process. By segmenting your audience into different groups based on behaviors and preferences, AI tools can help you craft targeted messages for each segment.

This approach makes your copy feel more relevant and personalized, increasing the likelihood of engagement and conversion. Implementing AI-driven personalization strategies can transform how visitors interact with your website, making them feel understood and valued.


Don’t let simple mistakes undermine your website’s effectiveness! Remember to always proofread your content for errors – even small slip-ups can harm your brand’s credibility. And don’t stop there! Regularly experiment with different phrases and calls to action to see what resonates best with your audience. A/B testing simple changes, like comparing “sign up for your 30-day free trial” versus “sign up for a free trial,” can significantly impact your conversion rates.

Done ready these copywriting tips and ready to build high-converting landing pages that drive results? Check out our latest article: “10 Effective Tips to Boost Your Landing Page Conversion Rate.” Need personalized guidance? Contact our experts today!

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By Bright Pink Agency

At Bright Pink Agency, we specialize in designing, developing, and optimizing franchise websites with no long-term contracts. Say hello to improved organic value, ongoing national and local support, and franchisee happiness!