7 Resolutions for Long-Term Business Success in 2020 & Beyond

Business New Year’s Resolutions
Business New Year’s Resolutions

In business (as in life), setting goals is important to drive progress and growth. Some write their goals down, others discuss them with their advisors, team, mastermind group or accountability partners, while others just loosely keep their business new year’s resolutions in mind (at least for the month of January!)

But why set goals only in the first days of January? Who’s to say you can’t make “resolutions” on January 15? Or April 1? (Ok, maybe not on April 1…) If business growth is one of your goals, then here’s some inspiration for you below. 

Business New Year’s Resolutions — Power Up Your Business in 2020

1. Compliance

Depending on your company, business compliance may involve following safety guidelines, ensuring customer privacy, properly handling payment of wages and salaries to employees, paying taxes, and more.

If you’ve been neglecting ADA compliance (design for accessibility), don’t wait until you get a notice in the mail. Resolve the noncompliance issues now, or you may risk monetary penalties, including expensive lawsuits or settlements. Over the past year, we’ve helped several companies make their websites ADA or WCAG 2.0 compliant. Banks, medical groups and government organizations are most commonly targeted for compliance violations. Is your website compliant? (Hint: if you don’t know, then it’s probably not.)

2. Join Networking or Business Groups

If growth is one of your goals, then making new contacts, nurturing old ones, and sharing ideas with like-minded individuals are all great ways to help you get there. How can you do all those things? By joining a business organization or networking group.

Whether the group is in person or over the web, being around likeminded professionals will help you refresh your business and yourself. Join your local chamber of commerce, Toastmasters club or a referral group.

3. Give Back to Your Community

What could be a better start to your year than pledging to give back to your community? There are likely many charitable organizations that make a difference in your community. Find a cause that matters to you and donate or help however you can.

Other ways to show appreciation in your community include being a mentor and volunteering. Make the place you live in better by being a better person! Acts of kindness will help your business stand out, as well (though that should never be your sole motivator). 

 4. Be a Better Communicator

Connecting with more people, clients, business partners, or otherwise, boils down to being an efficient communicator. The way you connect with people is diverse — in person, over email, social media, phone, and even in writing.

Establishing connections can also be indirect, through your brand’s voice, your social media posts, interviews, and so on. So, make sure that everything you say has value to your audience. This year and beyond, make a few real connections every day and you’ll see your relationships strengthen.

(And if you want to improve your communication and leadership skills, consider joining Toastmasters. A great business new year’s resolutions to have!)

5. Market Your Business Regularly and Consistently

You know it’s true. You don’t market your business as often as you want. Solving urgent tasks is always a priority.

To gain new leads and clients, marketing should be your priority. Hire a marketing expert — a person or agency — who can coordinate your marketing efforts. Focusing on branding, content, social media, SEO and other tactics can be incredibly productive for your company.

6. Revamp Your Social Media Channels and Content

Getting organized is not just about tidying up the office. Your social media profiles need some love, too! Take a look at the past year’s posts and see if you’re happy with the engagement they get. If not, try to post more often, and put a bit more effort into your posts. Share human photos, in-house news, office pets, etc. After all, the goal is to socialize, even if you’re running a business page.

7. Stop Using What’s Not Working and Move On

Not all your services or products will be winners. Similarly, not all sales or marketing techniques will work for everyone. Or, not all contractors will be suited to your company. So don’t invest effort into trying to make something hopeless work. Move on and find something better — one of the wiser business new year’s resolutions we all should achieve!

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