What You Need to Know About Multi-Location Marketing
In today’s increasingly globalized and interconnected world, it’s common for a business to have a physical presence in multiple locations. Yet, being everywhere all at once presents a unique set of challenges when it comes to effective marketing and advertising. That’s where multi-location marketing comes in. What is multi-location marketing? Multi-location marketing, also known as multi-unit marketing, is a marketing strategy that focuses on promoting products or services for a business’s multiple physical locations. This approach involves tailoring marketing campaigns concentrating on each location’s personalized characteristics, maximizing the marketing efforts’ effectiveness. For a multi-location marketing plan to succeed, it should… Continue reading What You Need to Know About Multi-Location Marketing
Top Five Marketing Mistakes to Avoid
Ever wonder why your business is not taking off or stalling? The answer might not be so surprising. While you should focus on doing the right things in your marketing campaign, avoiding certain marketing mistakes is equally important. Here are the five most common marketing mistakes you should avoid when putting your marketing plan into action: 1. You Are Focused on Traditional Marketing and Ignore Online Opportunities While flyers and posters are still the norm for local-based businesses, attracting a younger audience requires online advertising or SEO. Whether you run a service-based business or a brick-and-mortar location, you can take advantage… Continue reading Top Five Marketing Mistakes to Avoid
How to Write Better Emails to Your Customers
Did you know that over 215 billion emails are sent each day? The average professional sends and receives 122 emails daily and spends 3.2 hours of their working day in their inbox. This begs the question: are your marketing emails standing out from the competition?